Anne-Laure Franchette (Fr/Ch) - Teti Group

Anne-Laure Franchette is an artist with a background in Humanities. Guided by an interest in counter-narratives, hierarchies of dignity and categorisation, this double curriculum informs a transmedial practice materialised by field research, archival enquiries, creative writing and installations. Franchette co-founded and curates the organisation VOLUMES, which researches and mediates art forms related to editing and publishing. She is also an active member of the interdisciplinary research group TETI (Textures and Experiences of Trans-Industriality) which brings together artists, filmmakers, historians, art historians, architects and authors.

The interdisciplinary study group on textures and experiences of trans-industriality (TETI) explores the changing imaginaries of our global/glocal societies at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. The group favours enquiries into trans-disciplinary commonalities, and investigates the potency of ideas as they migrate from one body of practice into another. Stemming from a series of workshops and conferences, TETI Press’s first publication « Mobile Soils » (2021) explores the transformation of our bounds to the ground in the early 21st century through a range of personal reflections, in which authors revisit their practice in the light of earthly attachments and ecological pressure.

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In May 2025 the second regional soil assembly , after India in 2023, will be celebrated in the community of La Chimba in the highlands of Ecuador under the name of Tinku Uku Pacha or Asamblea del Suelo.

As part of this process we will translate The Laboratory Planet #6 to Spanish and a new regional soil assembly publication will be developed.

If you would be interested to take part, with translations, resources, participations or whatever, please write to lab[at]makery[dot]info