Kush Sethi (In)

Kush Sethi (In) is an ecological gardener and forager based out of Delhi. Inspired by resilient forest ecosystems, his practice seeks to understand problems in manicured urban horticulture formats and find wilder, self-sustainable approaches. Lately, he has consulted Arts and Culture institutes on designing Sustainability Projects for local communities such as with Deutsches Museum Munich (Germany, 2020), Site Gallery Sheffield (UK, 2021), KultureForum WItten (Germany, 2022) and Ubersee-Museum(Germany, ongoing).

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© Copyright - Soil Assembly 2023 | website by F Robin ART2M / Makery

In May 2025 the second regional soil assembly , after India in 2023, will be celebrated in the community of La Chimba in the highlands of Ecuador under the name of Tinku Uku Pacha or Asamblea del Suelo.

As part of this process we will translate The Laboratory Planet #6 to Spanish and a new regional soil assembly publication will be developed.

If you would be interested to take part, with translations, resources, participations or whatever, please write to lab[at]makery[dot]info