Nora Hauswirth – Arte & Escola Na Floresta - Tera Kuno (Ch/Bra)

Nora Hauswirth is a cultural producer with a master’s degree in Curatorship at ZHDK, Zurich University of the Arts. In Switzerland, she worked for several museums, exhibitions and intercultural projects, such as Cabaret Voltaire, Manifesta 11,, etc. Since 2017, she is researching about sustainable agriculture and supply systems, and therefore was traveling during 2 years to native communities in the north and northeast of Brazil using a van as a mobile exhibition structure and seed bank. Since 2019, she contributes for Participative Agriculture Movement in the Amazon.

In the face of the current ecological paradigm, amidst climate change, monocultures and ultra-processed foods, the movement “Art & School in the Forest” has been proposing since 2020 a reflection on the care with the land and with people, as well as food, in an artistic and and agro-ecological immersion. Through participative agricultural projects, the collective bridges consumption habits responding to the possibilities of what can be grown locally, promoting a circular system based on planting, harvesting and cooking. The goal is to stimulate individual and collective initiative through artistic and cultural projects in a society characterized by collectivism.

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© Copyright - Soil Assembly 2023 | website by F Robin ART2M / Makery

In May 2025 the second regional soil assembly , after India in 2023, will be celebrated in the community of La Chimba in the highlands of Ecuador under the name of Tinku Uku Pacha or Asamblea del Suelo.

As part of this process we will translate The Laboratory Planet #6 to Spanish and a new regional soil assembly publication will be developed.

If you would be interested to take part, with translations, resources, participations or whatever, please write to lab[at]makery[dot]info