february, 2023

01feb13:0020:00Virtual/ Physical EventDay 113:00 - 20:00(GMT+05:30) View in my timeDLF Cabral Yard


(Wednesday) 13:00 - 20:00(GMT+05:30) View in my time


DLF Cabral Yard

X68W+WG3, TM Muhammad Rd, Kunnumupuram, Fort Kochi, Kochi, Kerala 682001, India


    • february 1, 2023
    • 13:00 Opening of the Soil Assembly13:00 - 14:00Inauguration of the ‘The Soil Assembly’ by Bose Krishnamachari, director of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale; David Kasuma, president of the World Design Organisation; Senate member Sreeni Srinivasan; Geetha Narayanan, founder of the Srishti Manipal Institute.Speakers: Ewen Chardronnet (Fr), Maya Minder (Ch), Meena Vari (In), Neal White (Uk)

    • 14:00 Presentations and Panel Discussion : Ecological Futurisms session14:00 - 16:20Panel Discussion moderated by Rustam Vania

      Ecological Futurisms are a collective of artists and researchers based at Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM), University of Westminster since 2020. https://cream.ac.uk/ecological-futurisms/ Speakers: Cédric Carles (Fr), Dr. Rustam Vania (In), Dr. Vasanthi Maria Dass (In), Prof. Neal White (Uk) & Tina O’Connell (Le), Uriel Orlow (Ch, Uk)

    • 16:20 Meet & Greet16:20 - 17:20Introducing the participants

    • 17:20 Presentations and panel discussions, Soil Ecologies17:20 - 20:00Session moderated by Elisabetta RattalinoSpeakers: Anne-Laure Franchette (Fr/Ch) - Teti Group, Dharmendra Prasad (In), Disnovation.org (Fr/Int), Elisabetta Rattalino (It), Malte Larsen (De) - Miya Forest, Maya Minder (Ch)

Speakers for this event

  • Anne-Laure Franchette (Fr/Ch) - Teti Group

    Anne-Laure Franchette (Fr/Ch) - Teti Group


    Anne-Laure Franchette is an artist with a background in Humanities. Guided by an interest in counter-narratives, hierarchies of dignity and categorisation, this double curriculum informs a transmedial practice materialised by field research, archival enquiries, creative writing and installations. Franchette co-founded and curates the organisation VOLUMES, which researches and mediates art forms related to editing and publishing. She is also an active member of the interdisciplinary research group TETI (Textures and Experiences of Trans-Industriality) which brings together artists, filmmakers, historians, art historians, architects and authors.


    The interdisciplinary study group on textures and experiences of trans-industriality (TETI) explores the changing imaginaries of our global/glocal societies at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. The group favours enquiries into trans-disciplinary commonalities, and investigates the potency of ideas as they migrate from one body of practice into another. Stemming from a series of workshops and conferences, TETI Press’s first publication « Mobile Soils » (2021) explores the transformation of our bounds to the ground in the early 21st century through a range of personal reflections, in which authors revisit their practice in the light of earthly attachments and ecological pressure.



  • Cédric Carles (Fr)

    Cédric Carles (Fr)


    Cédric Carles is a French-Swiss artist and designer. Change maker and community making artist, his work mixes an experimental approach with a tangible prospective reflection on our spatial and climatic environment. His projects go beyond the cult specific to design of the object, to open up to other disciplines, to the vast field of education and innovations, including social ones. Artist, transition designer and director of Atelier 21 in Paris, passionated about energy issues, Cédric Carles develops artistic and ecological interventions in the public space. He is today the driving force behind a vast network of actors working for energy transition. Carles is co-editor of Retrotech and Lowtech – how forgotten patents can shake the future (paleo-energy press, 2020)

    Cécric Carles will present a global reflection on energy and climate issues, through their projects such as https://paleo-energetique.org/ a multi-collaborative project to list retro-technological inventions from the past and the future.



  • Dharmendra Prasad (In)

    Dharmendra Prasad (In)


    Dharmendra Prasad (In) is the co-founder of the Anga Art Collective. The collective is an Assam-based initiative founded by a group of friends who sought to create a space that engages in critical thinking about visuality and materiality based on the geographical and social landscape of the region. Dharmendra Prasad practice was born from an abiding interest and appreciation of his grandfather’s non-extractive approach to farming.



  • Disnovation.org (Fr/Int)

    Disnovation.org (Fr/Int)

    Research collective

    Disnovation.org is a research collective set up in Paris in 2012, whose core members include Maria Roszkowska (Pl/Fr), Nicolas Maigret (Fr), Baruch Gottlieb (Ca/De), and Jérôme Saint-Clair (Fr). They work at the interface between contemporary art, research and hacking, and compose tailor-made teams for each investigation together with academics, activists, engineers, and designers. More specifically their recent artistic provocations seek to empower Post Growth imaginaries and practices by challenging the widespread faith that ‘economic growth’ and ‘technological fixes’ will solve the ecosystemic disruptions they produced in the first place. Their work is presented at Kochi Muziris Biennale.


    Life Support System
    This artistic provocation seeks to estimate the orders of magnitude of critical ecosystem services, which are fundamental to all planetary life processes. In cultures overdetermined by concepts from economics, we are left without adequate discursive instruments to socially or politically address the importance of ecosystem contributions to life on Earth. This experiment consists of 1 square meter of wheat, cultivated in a closed environment. Critical inputs such as water, light, heat, and nutrients are measured, monitored, and displayed to the public. This procedure makes palpable the immense scale of ecosystem contributions, and provides a speculative reference for a reckoning of the undervalued and over-exploited ‘work of the biosphere.’


    Research collective

  • Dr. Rustam Vania (In)

    Dr. Rustam Vania (In)


    Rustam Vania (In) is an Art and Design professional and academic Dean at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art Design and Technology, Bangalore since 2005. He has also been practicing Editorial and Publication Design in print and digital media.



  • Dr. Vasanthi Maria Dass (In)

    Dr. Vasanthi Maria Dass (In)


    Dr. Vasanthi Dass (In) did her MA and Ph.D. in Film Studies and Critical Theory from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, US. She is a faculty, researcher, and dean for New Humanities and Design at Srishti Manipal Institute for Art Design and Technology, Bengaluru.



  • Elisabetta Rattalino (It)

    Elisabetta Rattalino (It)

    Art historian

    Elisabetta Rattalino, Ph.D., is an art historian, educator and curator. Her research engages with artistic practices and visual cultures from 1945 to present day, with a focus on rural environments and landscapes. Since 2010, she has been collaborating with socially-engaged artists and arts organisations in both Italy (BAU, Bolzano; Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella) and Scotland (Deveron Projects, Huntly).
    Currently, she is an Adjunct Lecturer and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Faculty of Design and Arts at the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy.

    Art historian

  • Ewen Chardronnet (Fr)

    Ewen Chardronnet (Fr)


    Ewen Chardronnet (Fr) is a collective artist, author, journalist and curator. He is currently editor-in-chief of the bilingual web magazine Makery.info and coordinator of the Creative Europe cooperation programs “More-Than-Planet” (2022-2025) and “Rewilding Cultures” (2022-2026). In his work, he is interested in practices, tactics and speculations that connect artistic research and scientific knowledge to the creation of social situations that intertwine discourses and shifts of perspectives in the very fabric of society.



  • Malte Larsen (De) - Miya Forest

    Malte Larsen (De) - Miya Forest


    Miya Forest community consists of scientists, artists, mushroom growers, DIYers and passionate explorers of the microbial world. The members of this group are gardeners of life, the organisms they work with are the seeds and the breeding grounds of fertile soil are the open laboratories around the globe. They develop biological, computational and social technologies and make them available to all.



  • Maya Minder (Ch)

    Maya Minder (Ch)

    Following the Biohacker, Maker and Thirdspace movements, Zurich based Maya Minder uses grassroots ideas, safe zones and citizen science to enable collective story telling through food and cooking. After studying Art history at the University of Zurich and Fine Arts at Zurich University of Arts, she has been co-curating and organizing projects independently or within the International Hackteria Society. Within her Green Open Food Evolution project she creates entanglements between human commodities and animism of nature. “Cooking transforms us” is a framework Minder weaves like a strings through her work. Cooking serves her to reveal the metaphor of the human transformation of raw nature into cooked culture, fostering evolutionary ideas of a symbiotic co-existence between plants, animals and humans.

  • Meena Vari (In)

    Meena Vari (In)

    Artistic Coordinator

    Meena Vari (In) is the Dean at the School of Media Arts and Sciences and Dean of Contemporary Art and Curatorial Practice at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology (www.srishtimanipalinstitute.in). She coordinates activities of the Center for Experimental Media &Arts (CEMA) and works closely with artists to develop the practice of Contemporary arts in Srishti and outside. Since 2004, she has been curating an annual international project called ‘Srishti Interim – Festival of Ideas & Performance’ by inviting Contemporary artists from around the world. Soil Assembly is one of the projects initiated during the Srishti Interim 2023.

    Artistic Coordinator

  • Neal White (Uk)

    Neal White (Uk)

    Neal is from London, founder of Office of Experiments, and Professor of Art based at CREAM, University of Westminster where he is part of the Ecological Futurisms Collective.

  • Prof. Neal White (Uk) & Tina O’Connell (Le)

    Prof. Neal White (Uk) & Tina O’Connell (Le)


    Tina O’Connell and Neal White have worked together since 2010 developing International commissions, installations and exhibition projects exploring the social and political context of sculpture, media arts and collective memory. They have recently been exploring cohabitation in post-natural environments sensitive to issues of ecological and social justice. Tina is an Irish born artist, and Assoc. Professor of Media and Sculpture and Director of ArtLab at University of Reading. Neal is from London, founder of Office of Experiments, and Professor of Art based at CREAM, University of Westminster where he is part of the Ecological Futurisms Collective.


  • Uriel Orlow (Ch, Uk)

    Uriel Orlow (Ch, Uk)


    Uriel Orlow lives and works between London and Lisbon. His practice is research-based, process-oriented and multi-disciplinary including film, photography, drawing and sound. Uriel Orlow’s work has been presented at major survey exhibitions including in 2022 at the Kochi Biennial, 12th Berlin Biennale, British Art Show 9, Kathmandu Triennale 2077 and 14th Dakar Biennale and previously at the 54th Venice Biennale, Manifesta 9 & 12 in Genk and Palermo, 12th Taipei Biennial, Lubumbashi Biennial VI, 13th Sharjah Biennial, 7th Moscow Biennial amongst others. Orlow’s work has been shown widely in museums and galleries internationally. He is reader at University of Westminster. Currently his work is showing at the Kochi Muziris Biennale.



© Copyright - Soil Assembly 2023 | website by F Robin ART2M / Makery

In May 2025 the second regional soil assembly , after India in 2023, will be celebrated in the community of La Chimba in the highlands of Ecuador under the name of Tinku Uku Pacha or Asamblea del Suelo.

As part of this process we will translate The Laboratory Planet #6 to Spanish and a new regional soil assembly publication will be developed.

If you would be interested to take part, with translations, resources, participations or whatever, please write to lab[at]makery[dot]info